About Us
Code Red Wellness was created by Victor Wilson to help members achieve their health and fitness goals. The principles of the program are based on a lifetime of experience with weight management, over twenty years of personal fitness training and established scientific principles from the fields of Exercise Physiology and Biomechanics. Victor has a Masters of Arts degree in Gerontology, a Masters of Science degree in Kinesiology and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology. He is an expert in Yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates and Sports and Health Related fitness training. He is a Capoeira Instructor and a Masters Olympic athlete at 100 meters. Victor is the owner of Eternal Fitness located at 3300 Overland Ave. Ste.205, Los Angeles CA 90034 and has been teaching fitness since 2002. He is also the author of "The Art of Weight Management: strategies for success".
Weight management is a lifetime endeavor and requires a lifetime perspective. With a lifetime perspective you can; (1) eat wisely, (2) exercise patiently and (3) make the necessary changes to achieve your health and fitness goals.