Eating Guide
Fats are important for lining cells tissues and organs and as a secondary fuel source. The remainder of your daily calorie needs will come from Fats. That's about thirty percent.. There is no physiological reason to eat saturated fats so keep them to a minimum, no more than ten percent of your daily calorie needs. Unlike Carbohydrates there seems to be no limit to the amount of excess energy the body can store as Fat. Saturated fats cause your body to make new fat cells in the presence of excess calories. Once fat cells are made they are yours for life, so stay within your budget. Good sources of fat include nuts, seeds, olives, avocados and their oils. These foods are rich in Omega 9s and Omega 3s. Omega 3s are very beneficial to your health so make sure you get at required amount daily. Sunflower oil is good for cooking and olive oil makes an excellent dressing. Note: never reuse oils after heating.
Vitamins and Minerals help with a variety of chemical reactions in the body including energy production and muscle contraction. You need them on a daily basis. Getting your Vitamins and Minerals from food requires specific foods in specific quantities (see FOOD SOURCES OF VITAMINS AND MINERALS). If you decide to take a supplement make sure it is from plant sources and not in mega doses.
Water plays a critical role in the body. It transports nutrients and waste products. It also cools the body during exercise. It is recommended that you drink about 64 oz per day: about 4 oz every waking hour. If you sweat heavily you should increase your intake.